Monday, May 13, 2019

Freezer Containers Buying guide

There isn't a whole lot worse in life when you come home from work tired and you need to quickly decide what the heck you're going to cook! You happily remember you have some frozen leftovers from the previous week and you can whip up something for the family in no time. You open the freezer door and find the Gold....however something is very wrong! Your Gold has somehow turned into Bronze!

By storing the good incorrectly, your food has been freezer burned or more specifically "oxidized". In disgust you throw the food away and have are not in the mood anymore. Instead you opt to buy some unhealthy fast food and have wasted your money as well.

What you should of done is stored your food in best freezer containers. Just like there are special microwave containers, there are also specifically crafted containers ideal for the cold harsh climate of the freezer temperatures.

So what types of freezer units are their, and which of those should you buy? Fortunately the choice you have is large and you wont have too much difficulty finding the right freezer storage compartment for you. You have several choices here:

  • Freezer Containers (Plastic,Glass)
  • Freezer Bags
  • Pans and miscellaneous

Plastic containers are the most common type and are the cheapest too. Most stores and websites will have plastic and you can find the largest range in this material. They do a great job of keeping your food safe in the freezer and you don't necessarily need a specifically freezer-safe designed one. Most quality plastic containers should be fine in the freezer however you may wish to purchase those that say so on their label.

Believe it or not but you also have the choice of buying glass containers for your freezer. Usually glass will crack if placed in your freezer for too long, however you can get some special designed types that should last, but we are not too confident in that happening over time. One positive of glass containers is that they are more environmentally friendly compared to the alternatives, so if thats a contributing factor, you will be happy with these.

All they are really bags and not containers as such, you can purchase freezer bags which essentially do the same job just in a different form. They are much cheaper than your solid containers and a bit more versatile as they can be carried and held easier if you get the bags with handles. One thing to be careful of though is to not put any sharp food items in them as this could break open the bag and ruin all your food! You can also buy ziplock (or ziploc) freezer bags which are probably your best option and can be found everywhere for a great price.

There are other options for the more budget conscious. They alternatives include aluminum foil containers, metal pans, freezer wrap, freezer paper. If opting for these choices, please due do your own research as some need you to add things like foil paper and could do more harm then good if not followed correctly.